What is Cyber Resilience for Connected Infrastructure?

cyber resilience for connected infrastructure.' It features a modern city with interconnected buildings and infrastructure, all enveloped in a glowing, digital network. This network is portrayed as a series of luminous lines and nodes, symbolizing st

The growth of smart cities and utilities brings immense benefits - from intelligent traffic control to optimized energy distribution. But increased connectivity also creates vulnerabilities. As we connect critical infrastructure to the internet through sensors, meters, and control systems, resilience becomes crucial.

These internet-of-things (IoT) devices are attractive targets for cyberattacks. Their connectivity allows remote access from anywhere. And many connected devices lack strong security controls of typical IT networks. Attackers can leverage IoT to infiltrate larger systems upstream.

So as cities and utilities embrace the future, they must prioritize resilience. Smart infrastructure must adapt to emerging threats and withstand incidents. When (not if) vulnerabilities are exploited, resilient systems contain the impact and rapidly restore functions.

Strategies for Resilience

There are several best practices for enhancing resilience:

  • Strict access controls on all endpoints and data

  • Network segmentation to limit lateral movement

  • Rapid isolation and shutdown procedures for compromised devices

  • Backups and redundant systems to minimize disruptions

  • Continuous monitoring to enable adaptive responses over time

Well-designed IoT networks implement these measures at scale for full coverage. cyber resilience must be baked into smart city projects from the start.

Bolting on security as an afterthought leaves gaps. With sound architecture, smart infrastructure withstands incidents, contains damages, and maintains continuity of operations.

Connected devices deliver transformative capabilities. But the cyber risks cannot be ignored. Prioritizing resilience helps smart cities and utilities benefit from innovation while keeping infrastructure secure and reliable. As connectivity and complexity grow, so must our vigilance. Cyber resilience will only gain importance for the safety and functioning of our digital cities and increasing infrastructure.


Building Cyber Resilience in Organizations and Utilities


What is Cyber Resilience?